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How to Follow Topics on Twitter For a Personalized Feed

August 18, 2024

If you’re an internet user, you surely have your favorite corners where you like to hang out. And if you’re reading this, Twitter or X is at least one of them. 

That being said, you probably know that Twitter topics are a great way to explore your favorite platform. It’s a way to discover content you’re curious about or thought leaders you admire. Learning how to follow topics on Twitter isn’t complicated—it’s a simple process that ensures you use Twitter/X more mindfully. Therefore, let’s get straight to the topic! 

What are Twitter Topics?

Before getting into the nitty-gritty of how to follow topics on Twitter, it’s important to understand the concept of Twitter topics. The latter is a feature that allows Twitter, now X users, to follow topics on the platform that interest them. 

It was launched in 2019 to diversify Twitter’s use and apply more context to people’s conversations. Since then, a lot has changed in how this feature and Twitter (now X) work.

Topics You Can Follow on X

Although there’s great controversy among users whether it’s a ‘beloved’ feature or not, many enjoy the regular surge of fresh insights into their feeds. That’s because when you follow new Twitter topics, trending ones related to that category appear in your account timeline. Thus, Twitter/X spills the tea for you on your most favorite subjects without you even trying too hard. 

Additionally, Twitter topics are public; anyone with access to your profile can see the topics you follow. Meaning if your tweets are protected, only your followers can see those topics. 

Lastly, until recently, there were two ways you could follow new Twitter topics: from the timeline, that is, the navigation menu, and from the settings. Today, things have changed a bit. Let’s see how below. 

How to Follow Topics on Twitter via Your Timeline

The Explore page on X (formerly Twitter) is organized into different sections like "For You," "Trending," and "News," which present a range of topics tailored to your interests. The platform uses algorithms to personalize these topics based on your interactions, such as who you follow and what you engage with. You can also manage the topics you're following and those you've chosen to ignore through the settings​.

This method works best on your desktop browser or iOS app. If you're using the Android app, topic suggestions might not be available.

To follow topics via this part of Twitter: 
  1. Click or tap "Explore" to open the trending page.

On a desktop, the Explore button is on the quick navigation panel on the left. On the iOS app, it's in the bottom navigation bar. 

  1. Scroll down in the "For You" tab until you spot the first topic, usually under the trends section. It’s marked with a small chat bubble icon.
  2. You'll see some posts related to the topic. To see more, click the "Show More" button beneath these posts to dive deeper into that subject.
  3. As you scroll, you'll find other suggestions tailored to your interests.
  4. Click on any recommendation to explore related content. If it interests you, click "Follow."
  5. If you want to see all the subtopics within a main topic, click "View All" under the recommendations.

    Recommended Topics

This method is a straightforward way to discover and follow new topics that keep your feed diverse and engaging

How to Follow a Topic on Twitter From The Settings

Over time, your timeline might start feeling repetitive, showing similar content over and over. When that happens, exploring and following new topics to keep your feed fresh and interesting is a good idea.

You can easily find and follow new topics right from your settings. Here's how:

  1. Tap the “More” button at the top of your profile avatar in the top left corner of your X homepage,

    the More Button

  2. Click the "Settings and Privacy,"
  3. Select "Privacy and Safety" and then choose "Content You See,"
  4. Open the "Topics" section, 
  5. Scroll down, and you'll see new topics you can follow, 
  6. Just tap "Follow" next to any topic that interests you.

This way, you can diversify your timeline with fresh content, making your X experience more engaging and dynamic.

How to Find Topics on Twitter / X

As you can see, finding new topics isn’t a problem. There are many ways to learn how to add topics on Twitter, including sourcing new Twitter topics from the people you already follow. 

For example, a new friend you met at the party in real life starts following you on the platform, and you start following them back. Now, if you like them, you want to learn about their interests, right? Right.

That’s why you follow the steps below to do so: 

  1. Use a desktop browser or the iOS app (as of August 2024, this feature isn't available on the Android app).
  2. Use X’s search engine to find your friend by entering their username or display name.
  3. Once you’re on their profile page, look for a three-dot button below their header image (on the mobile app, it’s on the header photo).

The Three-Dot Menu

Click the three-dot button to open a dropdown menu, then select "View Topics."

Viewing a User's Followed Topics

 This will show you all the topics this user follows. Click "Follow" next to any topic that interests you, and it’ll be added to your profile.

An important note here is that you can view topics from other peoples’ accounts only if you follow them and if they have public profiles. 

How to Follow a Hashtag on Twitter 

To follow a hashtag on X (formerly Twitter), you can't directly "follow" it like a user or topic, but you can keep track of it by using simple steps. 

  1. First, search for the hashtag in the search bar at the top of your timeline. 
  2. Once the search results appear, you can bookmark the search by clicking on the three dots to the right of the search bar. It’ll open a drop-down menu with a “Save Search” option. 
  3. This way, you'll easily save that search and access it whenever needed. 

This method allows you to stay updated on conversations around your favorite hashtags without relying on additional tools.

What Can You Do With Twitter Topics Not Showing?

It can be frustrating if your Twitter topics aren't showing up, especially when trying to stay updated on your favorite discussions. But it's inevitable as you learn how to follow topics on Twitter. So, whenever this happens to you:

  • Ensure your app or browser is up-to-date, as outdated versions often cause display issues. 
  • Next, try refreshing your feed or logging out and back in—this can often resolve minor glitches. 
  • If the problem persists, clearing your cache might help, as stored data can sometimes interfere with loading new content. 
  • Lastly, check your internet connection; a weak signal can prevent Twitter topics from loading properly. 

If all else fails and you still have the Twitter topics not showing problem, consider reaching out to Twitter support for assistance.

Manage Your Interests And Reposts With TweetDeleter

After you follow your favorite Twitter topics and hashtags for a while, you know you’re going to start resharing the content related to those topics with your friends and acquaintances.

But because the nature of Twitter/X is ever-evolving, so is the content that you post or share. Thus, you don’t always remember what you posted months or even years ago. 

And as your account grows, new people might start finding you through your older posts—that’s awkward, right? Your interests change, as do your personality and the image you want to project online, especially if you have a professional account. 

For this reason, you must consider managing what’s visible on your profile. To do this, you would’ve gone and found your tweets manually right? 
But why do that when you have TweetDeleter? It can easily delete any post or posts you like in bulk.

All you have to do is: 

  1. Log in (sign into) your account and grant all the necessary permissions. 
  2. Next, upload your Twitter archive to allow TweetDeleter to handle tweets regardless of age or count. 
  3. Now, you can access TweetDeleter’s versatile dashboard to filter tweets by various criteria, such as type (text, image, video), date range, engagement metrics (likes, retweets), and specific keywords. 
  4. Then, you can select and delete tweets that you think aren’t relevant to your online presence today. 
  5. TweetDeleter not only helps you search but also lets you analyze your tweet history. You can view trends and stats from your filtered searches and easily bulk-delete tweets if needed.

If you apply these tips, you can efficiently search and manage tweets, improving your Twitter/X presence. 

Wrapping Up

In summary, understanding how to follow topics on Twitter isn’t just about staying updated on the latest trends. It’s also about curating a feed that mirrors your evolving interests and personality. 

As you've explored throughout this guide, whether you're finding new Twitter topics through your timeline, settings, or even hashtags, you're in control of the content you consume. But as your engagement grows, so does the importance of managing your digital footprint. 

With tools like TweetDeleter, you can easily maintain a clean, relevant profile that resonates with your current self.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can people see who I follow on Twitter?
Yes, anyone visiting your profile can see the list of accounts you follow unless your account is private. In that case, only your approved followers can view this list.

How to follow specific topics on Twitter?
To follow specific topics, go to the Explore page, browse the "For You" section, and click "Follow" next to any topic that interests you. You can also find and follow topics through your settings under "Privacy and Safety" > "Content You See" > "Topics."

What does it mean to follow a topic on Twitter?
Following a topic on Twitter means you'll see tweets related to that topic in your timeline, curated by Twitter's algorithm based on relevance and your interests.

How do you follow keywords on Twitter?
You can't directly follow keywords like a topic or user. However, you can search for a keyword and then save the search for easy access later. This keeps you updated on tweets containing that keyword.

How do you see sensitive topics on Twitter? 
To view sensitive content, go to "Settings and Privacy," select "Privacy and Safety," then under "Content you see," toggle on the option to display media that may contain sensitive content.

How many people can you follow on Twitter?
As of 2024, you can follow up to 5,000 accounts initially. Once you reach this limit, you can only follow more people if your follower count grows beyond 5,000.

How to remove who to follow on Twitter? 
Click the "X" next to each suggestion to remove the “Who to follow” suggestions. Twitter will stop showing suggestions based on those specific profiles.