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Your In-Depth Guide on How to Check Twitter Analytics

September 9, 2024

If Twitter is part of your marketing strategy, or you simply want a well-performing Twitter / X profile, then this article is for you. 

Understanding how your tweets perform goes beyond just counting likes or retweets.  Sure, the latter can give you a surface-level idea, but what if you could go deeper? That’s where Twitter Analytics comes into play. Knowing how to check Twitter Analytics is your first step to an improved Twitter presence. 

Twitter analytics page offers an in-depth look at how your audience interacts with your content, giving you the insights needed to sharpen your strategy.

How Twitter Analytics Work

Twitter Analytics is a built-in tool that gives businesses a detailed overview of their account’s performance. For this reason, knowing how to see Twitter analytics can become game-changing for your Twitter presence. 
Twitter Analytics tracks metrics like tweet impressions, profile visits, follower growth, and audience engagement. 

By looking at such numbers, you can figure out what’s working and what doesn’t, helping you make smarter decisions about what to post next. 

Whether you're a brand looking to increase awareness or just a user wanting a better following, Twitter Analytics offers the key to optimizing your efforts based on real-time data.

Why Are Twitter Analytics Important?

Before you learn how to check Twitter analytics, you need to know the fundamental reasons why you do it. 

1.  Twitter analytics gives you an understanding of what your audience prefers and likes. Because if you haven’t considered this, let us tell you: every audience is different and unique. Thus, every audience needs a tailored approach. One strategy that works for one Twitter account might not work for another one.

2. Secondly, Twitter analytics lets you understand your audience’s timing: when they prefer to consume your tweets and other posts. Timing is a crucial piece of the Twitter success puzzle that can't be overlooked.

3. And thirdly, Twitter analytics simply helps you learn and track your performance and improve over time. 

Who Are Twitter Analytics For? 

Twitter analytics is a helpful tool for a wide range of users. Businesses and brands, whether big or small, can use it to understand their audience better, improve customer interactions, and fine-tune their social media strategy. 

  • Marketers and social media managers rely on it to track campaign performance, measure engagement, and determine the best content. 

  • Influencers and content creators also benefit by learning which posts resonate the most and when to engage followers effectively. 

Twitter Analytics can help track progress and grow an online presence, even for personal accounts, by showing what works for their specific community. 

How to Check Twitter Analytics On Desktop 

First, log in with your username and password and head to the main Twitter Analytics page. Here, it’s worth mentioning that the Analytics page with in-depth metrics is currently only accessible to X Premium users. 

Thus, if you’re a premium user, once you go to, you’ll be able to access the main analytics dashboard and the metrics you need. 

Twitter / X Analytics Example Dashboard

Check Your Tweet Activity

To get a closer look at how your tweets are performing, click on the "Tweets" tab in the top menu. 

This will give you a detailed view of specific metrics like impressions, engagements, and engagement rate for a chosen time frame. You can adjust the date range in the top right corner to review data from different periods.

Study Audience Insights

Select the "Audiences" tab in the top menu to learn more about your followers. This section gives you insights into your audience's interests, demographics, locations, and languages, along with data on how your follower count has changed over time.

Audience Insights

Export Your Twitter Analytics

You can download your Twitter Analytics data by clicking "Export Data" in the top right corner of the "Tweets" or "Videos" sections. After selecting your preferred date range, export the data as a CSV file for further analysis or reporting.

Accessing Twitter Analytics on Mobile

The X (formerly Twitter) mobile app doesn’t give you access to the full analytics dashboard, but you can still check the analytics for individual posts right from your phone. Just go to one of your posts and tap "View analytics" to see the details.

What Twitter Analytics Metrics Should You Track? 

If you want to get the most out of Twitter Analytics, focusing on the necessary metrics will give you a clear picture of how your content is performing and where you can improve. The following metrics have been proven to be valuable:

Profile Visits

This metric shows how many people took the time to check out your profile after seeing your tweets. A high number of profile visits is a good indication that your content is piquing interest and users are curious to learn more about you or your brand.


Likes give a quick snapshot of how well your content is received. While they don’t offer much in-depth insight, consistently getting likes shows that your tweets connect with your audience on some level.

Monthly Reach And Impressions

Impressions tell you how often your tweets are being seen by users on their feeds. Keeping an eye on this metric monthly tells you how far your content is reaching and whether your efforts are increasing visibility over time. 

Higher impressions usually mean your content resonates well, but pairing this with other metrics is vital to understanding the full impact.

Link Clicks

One of the most actionable metrics, link clicks, shows how many people clicked on links within your tweets. This is essential for driving traffic to your website, blog, or product pages. A steady increase in link clicks indicates that your audience finds your content valuable enough to explore further.


Mentions reflect how often others talk about you on the platform. Whether users mention your brand, product, or handle in their tweets, this strongly indicates how visible and relevant you are in conversations. Tracking mentions also helps you manage your brand’s reputation—whether the feedback is positive or needs addressing.


Seeing your follower count grow is always great, but it’s not just about the numbers. More important is the quality of those followers and how engaged they are with your content. Twitter Analytics breaks down your follower growth to see how different strategies impact your audience size over time.

Retweets Without Comments

When someone retweets your post without adding their own commentary, it means they’re sharing your content as-is with their followers. 

The latter is a good sign that your message is clear, shareable, and valuable enough for others to spread without the need to add their take.


Replies are a deeper form of engagement. They show that users are not only interested but also willing to start a conversation around your content. This interaction can lead to meaningful discussions and help build a loyal community around your brand or profile.

Engagement Rate

Your engagement rate measures how many interactions (likes, replies, retweets, etc.) your tweets receive in relation to the number of impressions. It’s a powerful indicator of how engaging your content is and whether it’s prompting your audience to take action.

CPR (Cost Per Result)

For businesses running Twitter ad campaigns, tracking the cost per result (CPR) is key to understanding the efficiency of your marketing spend. Whether your goal is clicks, conversions, or new followers, this metric helps you measure how much each action costs, allowing you to refine your ad strategies.

If you track these metrics regularly, you can tailor your Twitter strategy to better engage with your audience and improve your content’s overall impact. 

Whether you’re figuring out how to check analytics on Twitter or troubleshooting when Twitter analytics isn’t working, these insights will guide you toward smarter decisions for growth.

How to Use Twitter Analytics Like a Pro

Using Twitter Analytics effectively is vital to boosting your content strategy. Here’s a step-by-step guide to getting the most out of it:

Analyze Your Best-Performing Tweets

Review which of your tweets have gotten the most traction—whether it's through impressions, likes, or retweets. Take note of common elements like tone and hashtags, and replicate those in future tweets. This analysis will help you fine-tune your approach, especially when determining what resonates most with your audience.

Let’s say your tweet about a recent product launch received 500% more engagement than your usual posts. You notice that the tweet used a question format like, "What feature are you most excited about?" along with a trending hashtag. Moving forward, you replicate this format by asking questions in your tweets and consistently using relevant hashtags. Over time, you observe that this strategy increases your tweet interactions by 30%.

Experiment With Timing Using Engagement Metrics

The timing of your tweets can make or break your engagement levels. Use Twitter Analytics to discover when your audience is most active. Posting during these peak times can increase your chances of getting higher visibility and interaction, maximizing the impact of each tweet. But don’t forget to experiment with timing and see what other options are for you. 

For instance, after reviewing your Twitter Analytics, you find that tweets sent at 11 a.m. tend to get more likes and replies than those posted in the afternoon. You begin to schedule your content around this time and notice a 20% uptick in engagement. However, you also test posting during early evening hours and discover a more minor but engaged audience, helping you reach new followers at different times of the day.

Refine Your Tweet History With TweetDeleter

As you try to improve your Twitter strategy, don’t overlook the power of cleaning up your old tweets. 

The Twitter algorithm factors in not only your recent activity but also your tweet history. With TweetDeleter, you can easily manage outdated or irrelevant tweets. Its filtering tools allow you to search by date, keyword, or likes, helping you remove posts that no longer align with your current goals. 

Maintaining a professional image and improving your profile keeps both your audience and algorithm happy. 

5 Reasons For Twitter Analytics Not Working

Knowing how to check Twitter analytics is important because Twitter (now X) rolls out new updates periodically. Thus, if you're trying to access your Twitter Analytics and it's not working, there are several common reasons this could be happening. Here are some possible causes and tips to troubleshoot:

You’re Not Subscribed to X Premium

With the recent updates to X, access to Twitter Analytics is now reserved for X Premium subscribers. If you haven't upgraded to a premium plan, you’ll need to subscribe to gain access to these advanced analytics tools.

Your Account Is Less Than 14 Days Old

New accounts can’t access Twitter Analytics immediately. If your account was created within the last two weeks, you’ll need to wait until it's at least 14 days old before Analytics will be available.

Server Downtime

Sometimes, the problem isn’t on your end. Twitter’s servers could be experiencing downtime, which may cause features like Analytics to stop functioning temporarily. Checking sites like Downdetector or browsing the Explore page for similar user complaints can help confirm if this is the case.

Language Compatibility Issues

Twitter Analytics does not support all languages. If your account mainly tweets in a language the analytics tool doesn't currently support, you might be unable to view any data. Switching to a supported language could resolve this issue.

Account Violations or Restrictions

If your account has violated any of Twitter's rules, such as engaging in spammy behavior or using automation to mass follow or unfollow, you may lose access to certain features, including Analytics. Accounts that face restrictions or suspensions often experience issues accessing their analytics data until the account is fully restored.

Wrapping Up

Twitter Analytics isn’t just a tool—it’s your gateway to understanding what truly works on the platform. By diving into the data, you can gain insights that go beyond surface-level engagement and make informed decisions to refine your content strategy. Whether you’re tracking impressions, engagement rates, or follower growth, the metrics available help you identify trends and adjust your approach accordingly. From small businesses to personal accounts, knowing how to check Twitter analytics can unlock new opportunities for growth and connection. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Why can't I see Twitter analytics?
You may not see Twitter Analytics if your account is less than 14 days old, you’re not subscribed to X Premium, or your account has been restricted due to policy violations. Server downtime could also temporarily affect access.

How do I find my Twitter audience analytics?
To find your audience analytics, go to the Twitter Analytics dashboard and click the "Audiences" tab in the top menu. This section provides data on your followers' interests, demographics, locations, etc.

Can anyone use Twitter Analytics?
No, only X Premium subscribers can access Twitter Analytics, as it is now behind a paywall following recent updates to the platform.